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setAccountedProcesses(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the accountedProcesses property.
setAccountingMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the accountingMode property.
setAccountingModeBufferSize(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the accountingModeBufferSize property.
setAggregate(AggregateType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EccErrorsType
Sets the value of the aggregate property.
setApplicationsClocks(ApplicationsClocksType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the applicationsClocks property.
setAttachedGpus(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.NvidiaSmiLogType
Sets the value of the attachedGpus property.
setAutoBoost(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClockPolicyType
Sets the value of the autoBoost property.
setAutoBoostDefault(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClockPolicyType
Sets the value of the autoBoostDefault property.
setAverageFps(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EncoderStatsType
Sets the value of the averageFps property.
setAverageFps(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbcStatsType
Sets the value of the averageFps property.
setAverageLatency(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EncoderStatsType
Sets the value of the averageLatency property.
setAverageLatency(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbcStatsType
Sets the value of the averageLatency property.
setBar1MemoryUsage(Bar1MemoryUsageType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the bar1MemoryUsage property.
setBoardId(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the boardId property.
setBridgeChipFw(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciBridgeChipType
Sets the value of the bridgeChipFw property.
setBridgeChipType(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciBridgeChipType
Sets the value of the bridgeChipType property.
setCbu(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the cbu property.
setCbu(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the cbu property.
setClockPolicy(ClockPolicyType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the clockPolicy property.
setClocks(ClocksType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the clocks property.
setClocksThrottleReasonApplicationsClocksSetting(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonApplicationsClocksSetting property.
setClocksThrottleReasonDisplayClocksSetting(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonDisplayClocksSetting property.
setClocksThrottleReasonGpuIdle(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonGpuIdle property.
setClocksThrottleReasonHwPowerBrakeSlowdown(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonHwPowerBrakeSlowdown property.
setClocksThrottleReasonHwSlowdown(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonHwSlowdown property.
setClocksThrottleReasonHwThermalSlowdown(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonHwThermalSlowdown property.
setClocksThrottleReasons(ClocksThrottleReasonsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasons property.
setClocksThrottleReasonSwPowerCap(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonSwPowerCap property.
setClocksThrottleReasonSwThermalSlowdown(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonSwThermalSlowdown property.
setClocksThrottleReasonSyncBoost(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksThrottleReasonsType
Sets the value of the clocksThrottleReasonSyncBoost property.
setComputeMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the computeMode property.
setCudaVersion(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.NvidiaSmiLogType
Sets the value of the cudaVersion property.
setCurrentDm(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DriverModelType
Sets the value of the currentDm property.
setCurrentEcc(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EccModeType
Sets the value of the currentEcc property.
setCurrentGom(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuOperationModeType
Sets the value of the currentGom property.
setCurrentLinkGen(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PcieGenType
Sets the value of the currentLinkGen property.
setCurrentLinkWidth(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.LinkWidthsType
Sets the value of the currentLinkWidth property.
setDecoderUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.UtilizationType
Sets the value of the decoderUtil property.
setDefaultApplicationsClocks(DefaultApplicationsClocksType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the defaultApplicationsClocks property.
setDefaultPowerLimit(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the defaultPowerLimit property.
setDeviceMemory(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the deviceMemory property.
setDeviceMemory(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the deviceMemory property.
setDisplayActive(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the displayActive property.
setDisplayMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the displayMode property.
setDoubleBit(DoubleBitType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.AggregateType
Sets the value of the doubleBit property.
setDoubleBit(DoubleBitType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.VolatileType
Sets the value of the doubleBit property.
setDoubleBitRetirement(DoubleBitRetirementType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.RetiredPagesType
Sets the value of the doubleBitRetirement property.
setDriverModel(DriverModelType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the driverModel property.
setDriverVersion(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.NvidiaSmiLogType
Sets the value of the driverVersion property.
setEccErrors(EccErrorsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the eccErrors property.
setEccMode(EccModeType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the eccMode property.
setEccObject(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.InforomVersionType
Sets the value of the eccObject property.
setEncoderStats(EncoderStatsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the encoderStats property.
setEncoderUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.UtilizationType
Sets the value of the encoderUtil property.
setEnforcedPowerLimit(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the enforcedPowerLimit property.
setFanSpeed(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the fanSpeed property.
setFbcStats(FbcStatsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the fbcStats property.
setFbMemoryUsage(FbMemoryUsageType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the fbMemoryUsage property.
setFree(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.Bar1MemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the free property.
setFree(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbMemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the free property.
setGpu(List<GpuType>) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.NvidiaSmiLogType
Sets the value of the gpu property.
setGpuOperationMode(GpuOperationModeType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the gpuOperationMode property.
setGpuPartNumber(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the gpuPartNumber property.
setGpuTemp(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the gpuTemp property.
setGpuTempMaxGpuThreshold(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the gpuTempMaxGpuThreshold property.
setGpuTempMaxMemThreshold(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the gpuTempMaxMemThreshold property.
setGpuTempMaxThreshold(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the gpuTempMaxThreshold property.
setGpuTempSlowThreshold(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the gpuTempSlowThreshold property.
setGpuUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.UtilizationType
Sets the value of the gpuUtil property.
setGpuVirtualizationMode(GpuVirtualizationModeType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the gpuVirtualizationMode property.
setGraphicsClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ApplicationsClocksType
Sets the value of the graphicsClock property.
setGraphicsClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksType
Sets the value of the graphicsClock property.
setGraphicsClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DefaultApplicationsClocksType
Sets the value of the graphicsClock property.
setGraphicsClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MaxClocksType
Sets the value of the graphicsClock property.
setGraphicsClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MaxCustomerBoostClocksType
Sets the value of the graphicsClock property.
setIbmnpu(IbmnpuType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the ibmnpu property.
setId(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the id property.
setImgVersion(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.InforomVersionType
Sets the value of the imgVersion property.
setInforomVersion(InforomVersionType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the inforomVersion property.
setL1Cache(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the l1Cache property.
setL1Cache(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the l1Cache property.
setL2Cache(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the l2Cache property.
setL2Cache(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the l2Cache property.
setLinkWidths(LinkWidthsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciGpuLinkInfoType
Sets the value of the linkWidths property.
setMaxClocks(MaxClocksType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the maxClocks property.
setMaxCustomerBoostClocks(MaxCustomerBoostClocksType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the maxCustomerBoostClocks property.
setMaxLinkGen(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PcieGenType
Sets the value of the maxLinkGen property.
setMaxLinkWidth(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.LinkWidthsType
Sets the value of the maxLinkWidth property.
setMaxPowerLimit(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the maxPowerLimit property.
setMemClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ApplicationsClocksType
Sets the value of the memClock property.
setMemClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksType
Sets the value of the memClock property.
setMemClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DefaultApplicationsClocksType
Sets the value of the memClock property.
setMemClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MaxClocksType
Sets the value of the memClock property.
setMemoryTemp(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.TemperatureType
Sets the value of the memoryTemp property.
setMemoryUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.UtilizationType
Sets the value of the memoryUtil property.
setMinorNumber(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the minorNumber property.
setMinPowerLimit(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the minPowerLimit property.
setMultigpuBoard(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the multigpuBoard property.
setMultipleSingleBitRetirement(MultipleSingleBitRetirementType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.RetiredPagesType
Sets the value of the multipleSingleBitRetirement property.
setOemObject(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.InforomVersionType
Sets the value of the oemObject property.
setPci(PciType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the pci property.
setPciBridgeChip(PciBridgeChipType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciBridgeChip property.
setPciBus(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciBus property.
setPciBusId(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciBusId property.
setPciDevice(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciDevice property.
setPciDeviceId(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciDeviceId property.
setPciDomain(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciDomain property.
setPcieGen(PcieGenType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciGpuLinkInfoType
Sets the value of the pcieGen property.
setPciGpuLinkInfo(PciGpuLinkInfoType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciGpuLinkInfo property.
setPciSubSystemId(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the pciSubSystemId property.
setPendingBlacklist(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.RetiredPagesType
Sets the value of the pendingBlacklist property.
setPendingDm(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DriverModelType
Sets the value of the pendingDm property.
setPendingEcc(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EccModeType
Sets the value of the pendingEcc property.
setPendingGom(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuOperationModeType
Sets the value of the pendingGom property.
setPerformanceState(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the performanceState property.
setPersistenceMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the persistenceMode property.
setPowerDraw(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the powerDraw property.
setPowerLimit(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the powerLimit property.
setPowerManagement(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the powerManagement property.
setPowerReadings(PowerReadingsType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the powerReadings property.
setPowerState(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PowerReadingsType
Sets the value of the powerState property.
setProcesses(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the processes property.
setProductBrand(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the productBrand property.
setProductName(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the productName property.
setPwrObject(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.InforomVersionType
Sets the value of the pwrObject property.
setRegisterFile(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the registerFile property.
setRegisterFile(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the registerFile property.
setRelaxedOrderingMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.IbmnpuType
Sets the value of the relaxedOrderingMode property.
setReplayCounter(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the replayCounter property.
setReplayRolloverCounter(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the replayRolloverCounter property.
setRetiredCount(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitRetirementType
Sets the value of the retiredCount property.
setRetiredCount(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MultipleSingleBitRetirementType
Sets the value of the retiredCount property.
setRetiredPagelist(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitRetirementType
Sets the value of the retiredPagelist property.
setRetiredPagelist(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MultipleSingleBitRetirementType
Sets the value of the retiredPagelist property.
setRetiredPages(RetiredPagesType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the retiredPages property.
setRxUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the rxUtil property.
setSerial(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the serial property.
setSessionCount(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EncoderStatsType
Sets the value of the sessionCount property.
setSessionCount(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbcStatsType
Sets the value of the sessionCount property.
setSingleBit(SingleBitType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.AggregateType
Sets the value of the singleBit property.
setSingleBit(SingleBitType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.VolatileType
Sets the value of the singleBit property.
setSmClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksType
Sets the value of the smClock property.
setSmClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MaxClocksType
Sets the value of the smClock property.
setSupportedClocks(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the supportedClocks property.
setTemperature(TemperatureType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the temperature property.
setTextureMemory(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the textureMemory property.
setTextureMemory(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the textureMemory property.
setTextureShm(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the textureShm property.
setTextureShm(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the textureShm property.
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.NvidiaSmiLogType
Sets the value of the timestamp property.
setTotal(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.Bar1MemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the total property.
setTotal(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.DoubleBitType
Sets the value of the total property.
setTotal(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbMemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the total property.
setTotal(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
Sets the value of the total property.
setTxUtil(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.PciType
Sets the value of the txUtil property.
setUsed(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.Bar1MemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the used property.
setUsed(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.FbMemoryUsageType
Sets the value of the used property.
setUtilization(UtilizationType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the utilization property.
setUuid(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the uuid property.
setVbiosVersion(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuType
Sets the value of the vbiosVersion property.
setVideoClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.ClocksType
Sets the value of the videoClock property.
setVideoClock(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.MaxClocksType
Sets the value of the videoClock property.
setVirtualizationMode(String) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.GpuVirtualizationModeType
Sets the value of the virtualizationMode property.
setVolatile(VolatileType) - Method in class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.EccErrorsType
Sets the value of the volatile property.
SingleBitType - Class in com.lampa.smi.dtoV1
Java class for single_bitType complex type.
SingleBitType() - Constructor for class com.lampa.smi.dtoV1.SingleBitType
SmiReader - Class in com.lampa.smi
smi reader
SmiReader() - Constructor for class com.lampa.smi.SmiReader
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